About Ivanna
Ivanna Koshelya is a natural health and mindset coach whose integrative practice regards a person's wellbeing as a conglomeration of interrelated systems - physical, mental, emotional and energetic.
You can count on Ivanna's competence and top notch expertise to effectively tackle a wide range of issues - from natural body healing, somatic trauma release and letting go of addictions and self destructive habits, to consciousness expansion and spiritual development.
As a fruitarian detox specialist, Ivanna designs customized dietary and herbal protocols based on the thorough assessment of the clients' condition through iridology, in-depth symptom analysis, and other assessment tools. Ivanna is also an experienced fasting coach offering guidance and support with regard to safe fasting practices, whether you're interested in juice feasting, water fasting or dry fasting.
Don't delay becoming the best version of yourself and start your healing journey today by scheduling a private consult!
Disclaimer: Ivanna is not a medical doctor or a licensed therapist, and she does not diagnose or cure any diseases. Always exercise good judgment and seek the help of medical professionals when necessary.